Mileage was still a little low, but recovery week from the Syndenham Fall Trail Race. Legs were a little tuckered in the early part of the week, but by Sunday's long run everything seemed back to normal.
I started reading Walking on Thin Ice, by David Hempleman-Adams (thanks Sara). Wow, seriously makes the 3 day K-Rock seem like a jog around the block. I will definitely keep thoughts of this in my head while I'm training and racing.
One thing that I need to get a handle on is sweat management. When I was researching it last spring the thoughts seemed to be to get the sweat to a outer surface where, if you have proper air circulation, the sweat will be evaporated. Hempleman-Adams worked under a different theory, trapping the sweat under insulating layers so it won't freeze and make you colder. Any thoughts?
Before Thursday's run I came up with an idea to make a condom for my Thermos water bottle from an old sock. I had been on the fence about using these bottles. Did my run with my pack, using Sara's idea of just stopping and unhitching the pack drinking and then continuing. Worked like a champ, so I picked up another bottle and on Sunday's run used them both, drank a litre of fluids in 2:00, no issues. Water Bottle issue solved and closed.
Body wise things are good. I have a on going issue with my right Piriformis. Flared up last year training for Goofy and comes and goes. Just something I have to keep on top of. Achilles have been getting better. I was playing around with my stride on Sunday's run. When I had my running assessment done, my major "flaw" was that even at a slow pace I cross my feet in front, and this she felt puts stress on my outer achilles. I figured it was about time to start working on this, with snowshoes you can't cross your feet without tripping. It was tough, but I'll keep at it.
The Gatineau Parkway is now closed for the season, can snow be that far behind? I hope not.
Finally I want to say and BIG thank you in advance to Kimber and the Kids. We had a couple of talks on the weekend about the next 5 months and how I am going to need everyones help to get to the start line. Training will be tough - the hardest I have ever taken on, and will need to rely heavily on them sometimes. They are all 100% behind me, so I know if I need something I just need to ask. Love you.