Monday, April 6, 2009

Follow-up to What is the Rock and Ice

Just a little follow-up to my previous post about what is the Rock and Ice.

When Kimber and I were out for a run on Saturday, I had my backpack on weighted down with a few water bottles and canned goods, we were talking about R&I K-Rock Ultra and basically summarized it to the following;

1) Run a marathon, 3 days in a row
-add to that-
2) Run them in snow shoes
-add to that-
3) Run with a backpack
-add to that-
4) Run with a potential -40 windchill and white out conditions
-add to that-
5) Sleeping in tent on the snow
-add to that-
6) Doing this with some of the best people you could ever meet.

Why not do it?
Memories and friendships to last a life time.
A feeling of accomplishment that will last forever.

Registration is open I believe. :)


Kimberley said...

Sounds like just another adventure doesn't it???? NOT! Sounds crazy & insane & ya, why not? You'll be great. xoxox

Derrick said...

David, I know you're tapering and thinking Boston, but you have to check out this new slideshow from '09 Rock and Ice...

David said...

Thanks Derrick - There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about R&I.

Great compilation, I'll be watching that a few times.